



















5/22/2003-Fireside Chat with the Frog:
Webcam Text Wars Part II.

Here is the second and final installment of the webcam chat text of my fight with the most intelligent French-Canadian I have ever met. Bear in mind this was a one sided battle, as this fool stood like the Polish Calvary against the Wehrmacht. It was fun though. We pick up discussing the futility of trying to prove that the French can hold their own in any political conflaguration. If you don't get it, read my last entry. Again, he is listed as "frog", and I am "munkie." Enjoy this nationalist humiliation. I sure as hell did.

frog: the point is, you still lost vietnam.
munkie: because of your government's ineptitude in finishing what it started.
frog: fine, let's move on to what we have done for your stupid country.
munkie: this should be good.....
frog: statue of liberty? the symbol of america?
munkie: correction. the statue was a political move by the french to attract people who couldn't read here. to keep them out of france.
frog: your ineptitude amazes me.
munkie: you misused that word. ineptitude is lacking the skill to perform a task.
frog: that's what i meant.
munkie: um, you're stupid.
munkie: why are you arguing for france anyway? you're french canadian, not a pure frog. you're like a recessive frenchie, or worse the retarded stepkid.
frog: i was born there dumbass.
munkie: but you no longer live there. that's like me defending florida's polling skills cause i was born there. which i was.
frog: if you must know, my parents are french canadian, and lived in france for awhile.
munkie: that's worse. you're like frenchie twice removed, doubly idiotic. why claim french?
frog: cause I AM.
munkie: you sure you're not polish?
frog: no, poland is farther east than france. you should know that if you're so smart.
munkie: ........
frog: what's your background?
munkie: i come from white people.
frog: what nations?
munkie: white ones.
frog: you're stupid.
frog: afraid to tell me? are you czech? or irish?
munkie: why you hating the irish and czechs? racist ass.
frog: no i meant that's what you are.
munkie: you despise me and assume i'm irish or czech. what did they do to you? irish are good people. czechs make good firearms.
frog: quit twisting me around.
munkie you hate micks and slavs you hateful bastard.
frog: you hate the french! you're hateful!
munkie: everyone hates the french, i'm not unique. you're just mean to innocent irelanders and czechs.

Interlude: At this point an Irish man starts pounding the dweeb for hating the Irish. Count Frogula retorts that I hate the French, and the Irish-American guy says everyone does, but it gives him no right to bash the Irish. I'm a good heckler. Hell breaks loose for a few minutes, then I come back on.

munkie: teehee.
frog: i'm done with this, i will not sink to your games. any of you.
munkie: so why are you here?
frog: same reason as you, to see this lovely woman.
munkie: no, i'm here to clown on you.
frog: then you have issues.
munkie: you're quite bright there captain.
frog: i leave you with this. france holds itself high because we are better people.
munkie: no, you have cultural inferiority complex and boner shame. so you hide behind a cheesy facade of self righteousness.
frog: fuck you! i have had it with you and you're shit!
munkie: lil abner's a bit pissed methinks.
frog: america is hated everywhere! now i know why! you're all ignorants.
munkie: uh-huh.
frog: you boost yourself by deprcitting others!
munkie: you're misspelling 'decpriciating.'
frog: FUCK YOU!
munkie: can i be on top?

This ended it for him. He had enough. He probably went on a drunken binge and took advantage of a crossing guard before drowning himself off the coast of Nova Scotia. As an epilogue to this, I was banned from this site for harrassing the clientele and costing the webcam chicks their daily meth. So if you click here, and go the site, chant bring back "munkieluvsu" and drive them nuts. I may write up the incident that got me banned, but i don't have the text, so I may not. In the meantime, put in your Kenny G records and sleep well knowing there's a one sick American out there defending his country from foreign masturbators. God Bless the U.S.A.


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